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When awakening comes we can completely transform our personalities

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After returning from my trip to Goa, I resumed my routine. Grocery shopping was on my to-do list, and I checked onion prices on an app.

80 Rs per kg… 😳?

Before my Goa trip, I bought onions from Mumbai local market for 28-30 Rs per kg. In just 8 days, onion prices have increased by more than 100%.

I checked my onion stock at home, found only two small sweet cute onions. But the realization that onions were now expensive wasn’t sweet. Seeing the high prices online, I didn’t buy them.

Suddenly, a picture came to mind: instead of dozens of sarees, I saw my mother gifting me kilos of onions.

If I dont buy onions today, she’d find out and gift me a large quantity of onions.

Last time, my parents filled the guest room with dozens of mangoes. I don’t mind mangoes, but I can’t imagine the guest room filled with dozens of onions, making the whole house smell like onions.

So, I immediately grabbed my bag and went to the local street market.

In the local market, the cheapest rate was 65 Rs per kg, and the best-looking, clean onions were available for 80 Rs per kg. A local vendor mentioned that the price might go up to 100 Rs in the coming days.

“Just to save some money, you went to the local market instead of buying it online. You have a lot of time, huh?”  Left side of my Brain said

“I like visiting local shops. It’s where I get to talk to normal people…opportinuty to talk to strangers.” Right side of my Brain gave justification

I bought 1 kg of onions and returned home.

I opened Twitter (now known as X). Twitter is a good place to stay updated with trading-related news.

Charts show the market prices and Twitter explains the reasons behind price fluctuations.

I seldom rely on mainstream media for news. I follow people who have the wisdom to differentiate between real and fake news and have the kindness to share their knowledge with others.

There are great traders to follow on twitter.

That day I checked the market charts, I saw that market had gone up a little bit.

Over last 1-2 years, due to war conditions, US interest rate hikes, and other factors, the market had gone down, providing a great opportunity to buy dips.

A bear market presents a good opportunity for investment. It’s a time to invest in fundamentally strong projects.

Entering early and at a low price is crucial. When FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) arises and prices soar, that’s the perfect time to sell.

The period between buying and selling tests the patience of traders and investors. The bear market is for buying, a time to enter, while the bull market is for selling, a time to exit.

In trading, we consider the Risk-to-Reward ratio (RR ratio). Traders welcome volatility because more volatility means more risk and potentially higher rewards.

When humans are happy and prosperous they are in tune with God.
But as soon as one nation starts fighting with another it brings depression. When depression starts at one place it begins to spread everwhere. The politicians are blinded by their selfishness and love for fame. Disregarding the divine laws laid down by God.
When the earth becomes very heavy with disease, evil these etheric disturbunces casue the world to give way to earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters.
It is the same as when someone lives wrongly for a long time, various disharmonies begin to manifest in their body.

Tough times call for having faith in God. Our faith, prayers, hope, and love for God help us to keep going in challenging times. In today’s world, remaining uninfluenced by others has become a skill.

The good karma of mankind is greater than the evil karma, If this were not true then earth would explode from negative vibrations.

The impluses of evil come not only through our own inclinations but are sometimes tests of God. In this time prayer or offering prayer to people who are undergoing such tests is important.

Every time something gets you down, get up and say “I am alright now.” The minute  you admit you cant do it, its over.

When we get bad, it is mostly beacuse somebody has put salt on our wounded ego. We will be much happier and better if we remain calm.

Why wait for repeated deaths and rebirths to change? Why not change now?

I tell you a story of a dancing girl..(story taken from a book, Living with Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama)

Swami Rama often recounted a profound teaching from his master: “The entire world is a stage for learning. Do not rely solely on me for your teachings, but learn from everything.” He vividly remembered one particular instance when his master directed him to embark on a transformative journey.

He was instructed to travel to Darjeeling and perform a specific spiritual practice near a stream outside the city, adjacent to a cremation ground, for forty-one consecutive days.

Despite any mental hurdles, he was advised not to abandon the practice until the completion of the given time.

Unaffected by the typical worries linked with such places, Swami Rama settled in a simple thatched hut by the stream, dedicating himself to the practice during his university summer break.

For thirty-nine days, he diligently followed the prescribed rituals without experiencing any visible change.

Doubts crept in, whispering that the solitude and detachment from the world were a waste of his youth. His mind attempted to sway him, questioning the wisdom of his master’s guidance.

On the thirty-ninth day, battling doubts, Swami Rama destroyed the fire in his hut and started off toward the city. Yet, along the way, he heard music and a woman singing a touching melody that deeply affected him.

Her words, “There is very little oil in the vessel of life, and the night is vast,” resonated strongly, prompting him to rethink his decision.

Realising the consequences of his decision, he returned back to the stream to complete the final two days of his sadhana. True to his master’s words, on the forty-first day, the fruits of his practice manifested as predicted.

Upon returning to the city, Swami Rama searched for the same. She was a controversial female dancer.

She was a beautiful and famous dancing girl. She was considered to be a prostitute.

When she saw a young swami coming toward her house she called out, “Stop, don’t come here! You are at the wrong place! Such a place as this is not for you!”

She closed her door and told a servant, a large and powerful man with big moustaches, not to let him in.

He commanded, “Stop, young swami! This is the wrong place for you!”

Swami Rama said, “No. I want to see her. She is like my mother. She has helped me and I am grateful to her. Had she not alerted me with her song, I would not have completed my practices. I would have failed and I would have condemned myself and felt guilty the rest of my life.”

When she heard this, she opened her door.

Swami Rama said, “Really, you are like a mother to me.”

Swami expressed his appreciation, comparing her to a mother figure, which deeply touched her.

“I promise to live like your mother from now on. I will prove that I can be not only mother to you but to many others as well. Now I am inspired.”

The next day she left for Varanasi, where she lived on a boat on the Ganges.

In the evening she would go ashore and chant on the sand. Thousands of people used to join her.

She wrote on her houseboat, “Don’t mistake me for a sadhu. I was a prostitute. Please do not touch my feet.”

She never looked directly at anyone’s face and never talked to anyone. If someone wanted to talk to her she would only say, “Sit down with me and chant God’s name.”

If you asked, “How are you?” she would chant, “Rama.”

If you asked, “Do you need anything? Can I get you something?”

she would respond, “Rama,” nothing else.

One day before a huge crowd of five or six thousand people she announced, “I am leaving early in the morning. Please throw this body in the water, where it will be used by the fishes.”

And then she kept silence. The next day she cast off her body.

When awakening comes we can completely transform our personalities, throwing off the past.

Do not try to please anyone. Lets do our work in such a way to please the creator..God ..and everything else will follow.

kuch aisa kar ke dikhakhud khush ho jaaye khuda

In trading, certain rules are followed… discipline matters, routine matters.

In spiritual practice, there are also specific rules to follow… discipline matters, routine matters…

Last night, my phone rang. It was a call from one of my close friends.

“Hello, what are you doing?”

I checked the time; it was 1:30 am.

“Nights are for rest, so I am sleeping.”

“Amey is here. Do you want to join us?”

One of our friends has come from London.

“Please let me sleep.” I prefer to stick to my routines and I am going to be even more disciplined with myself.

High risk and reward ratio.

With Diwali approaching, I’ll need to spend some time shopping. I’m not particularly fond of shopping; it exhausts me.

I prefer keeping things simple, less glamorous. If given a choice, I’d stick to only two colors: white and sky blue.

Gold, blue, and white colors are good for the nervous system. Wearing these colors tends to create a much calmer state within the nervous system.

It’s Saturday in India, 11:53 am. Today, for breakfast, I made Kande Pohe.

indian food pohe

These Nagpur oranges look juicy. Time to make some fresh orange juice.

indian oranges

The weekend is here. This Thursday, when I reached little late for the YSS group meditation, one aunty (an older lady who leads meditation) told me she was about to text me. I couldn’t attend last Thursday as I was in Goa.

She missed my presence. It feels good to belong to a community of like-minded people.

I believe that’s all for today.

I wish you a wonderful weekend, sweetheart.

Stay blessed. Stay happy always.

Much love,




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