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What are the influences on Man’s FREE WILL?

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On Wednesday, when I thought about what to write in this article, I was in a completely different mood. Out of my three personalities (funny, adventurous, studious), it was the funny one took the lead that day. If I had written this article on Wednesday, it would have turned into a comedy post rather than a spiritual one.

I shamelessly crack silly jokes. Sometimes I make animal noises and talk like a kid. These are all ways I keep myself entertained, and surprisingly, my friends enjoy it too. I remember I had two friends with whom I used to entertain with my jokes all the time. They were both serious, but over time, with my company, they also started cracking jokes. Those were the good old days.

Now, it’s Saturday as I write this post. I’ve reflected on this entire week, and I’m not at all happy with my meditation progress this week.

On Thursday, I kept working, and after 7 pm, I suddenly realized I was supposed to be at the YSS group meditation center. How could I miss this session? I had been looking forward to it all week. Not attending these sessions is my loss alone.

This week, on Yogarati Instagam account I shared that  physical pain, emotional/ mental pain can turn someone towards spirituality.

There’s an exception, though. If someone’s past good karma is strong, they may not need to go through such pain. They can simply stay on the spiritual path.

BK Shivani ji is an example of this. When people ask her what led her to spirituality, she says, “If you want to hear a dramatic story, I can create one. But in reality, there is no such story or pain. Her life was smooth, and she turned to spirituality due to her mother.”

A few years ago, I thought, “My life purpose is to learn to love myself.” . However, when I started practicing self-love, somehow I directed toward spirituality.

Today, I believe my life purpose goes beyond self-love; it’s about getting closer to God and becoming one with Him. We are all created in His image. When He made us, we were pure souls without hatred, jealousy, or any negative emotions within us.

But birth after birth, we lost that spark.

The question, “If God made everything, then who made God?” frequently crossed my mind during my school days. I was hesitant to discuss it with anyone then, fearing that people would think I was crazy. How many people have pondered this thought: “Who made God?” In my college days, that question began to fade.

Whenever that question arose in my mind, I imagined that without God, there would be no galaxies, no planets, no Earth, no countries, no humans, and no life…

So, who created God?

Since I began following my Guru’s teachings, many of my questions have been resolved. However, the question of “Who created God?” still lingers.

One day, while browsing the YSS website, I stumbled upon a book written by my Guru. The book’s title is “Who made God?”


I ordered it. It’s a small book that I was able to complete in just two days. My limited brain capacity doesn’t allow me to accept or, I can say, understand the answer fully. I plan to revisit it after a few months of meditation practice and re-read it.

It took me four attempts to complete the “Autobiography of a Yogi” book. This is a screenshot of an Instagram story I posted in 2021. It took me this much time to re-read it again.

yogarati yss autobiography of a yogi

Similarly, I will return to this book again.

For me, the ideal scenario would be to make a living through trading and to teach yoga for free or not teach classes at all (using that time for my spiritual practice). However, every time I think to give up teaching, new students appears. Unless I receive a clear sign to stop teaching, I will continue with it. God’s plan is the best plan.

Trading has taught me alot. I have seen market manipulations by VCs and whales, the self-interest-driven actions of politicians, and the significant impact of both positive and negative media influence on the market. The good part is, trading helps to understand emotions.

God has given us FREE WILL. Alongside one’s past karma, an individual’s free will is influenced by various factors. One of these is the current world civilization. Whenever a person is born, they are shaped by the civilization of that era.

For example, in the 17th century, people were influenced by the norms of that time. In the 6th century, there was no discussion of vitamins, but today, it’s a common topic. Thus, our actions and behaviors are influenced by the society of the present day.

The next influence on a person is their “Nationality.” At birth, the soul associates itself with the body and says, “I am Indian” or “I am American.” Today, one may be Indian, and in the next life, they could be Australian.

That’s why it’s unwise to hate someone based on their nationality, color, or gender. The more hatred there is, the stronger the negative karma becomes.

The only way to end this cycle of misery is through love.

After that, a person’s free will is influenced by the community in which they live and their family.

So, where is the freedom that God has given to man? That freedom becomes shaky because of the many influences upon man.

Today, someone may have a male gender, but in the next life, they might have a female gender.

If in this life, a person inclines more towards female characteristics, it’s possible that in the next life, they will be born as a female.

For me right now, my self-meditation practice (sadhana) is the most important. I’ve enjoyed amazing food, visited some incredible places, but the peace and joy I find in my meditation is incomparable.

You can also try this. Test yourself.

Go on a picnic. Go to town, socialize with friends, at the end of the day you may feel tired or restless. But if you practice the habit of spedning time alone at home in mdeitation, a great power and peace will come. And it ill remain with us in our acitiviies. We all are gathered here to travel together for a littel while.
Once this time is up, we will be gone.

It’s 10:40 AM in Mumbai, India, and it’s a beautiful sunny day. If any of my articles or work has helped you, please consider making a donation to the YSS society here.

That’s all for today. Next week will be interesting as I plan to spend some quality time with my mother and hopefully take a short trip to Goa. Let’s see how it goes.

I wish you a wonderful weekend, sweetheart. Jump, swim, dance, laugh, and crack jokes like me 🙃, be like a child.

Stay happy and blessed, always.

Much Love,




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