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connecting to YSS line of Gurus

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This week, on Wednesday, I turned on the TV and searched for “GOD”.

The search results showed a couple of movies about Jesus Christ and one about Lord Parashurama. I was going to click on “Lord Parashurama’s movie/serial,” but for some reason, I chose to watch “Son of God” by Christopher Spencer.

I watched the whole movie, and it deeply moved me.

In the picture below, you’ll see Bhagavan Krishna, Jesus Christ, Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, and Swami Sri Yukteswar.

They are Mahagurus of the Yoguda Satsang Society, which was founded by my Guru, Shri Paramahansa Yogananda.

guru shri paramhansa yogananda altar

Before finding my Guru, I worshiped  deities like our Kuladev, Kuladevta, lord Vetoba, Ganpati, and Hanumanji. but never in my life I worshipped or have any particular inclination towards Bhawan Krishna and Jesus Christ.

Since realizing my Guru in September, I’ve included Bhagwan Krishna and Jesus Christ in my prayers, following Guruji’s guidance. However, there wasn’t any specific connection with them until now.

After watching this movie, I feel connected to Jesus Christ. This is how Guru directs us; breaking all barriers softly without any force.

Similar feelings for Lord Krishna. I now listen to Krishna bhajans too. My Guru has helped me connect with all of them.

What is mean by connection – it means, I feel no resistance within when I think about them. And I have place for them in my heart.

A true Guru isn’t an ordinary spiritual teacher but someone who has achieved complete union with Infinite Spirit and can guide others toward that same blissful goal.

A true Guru doesn’t ask followers to follow them but encourages them to follow the supreme father, God.

Jesus was the chosen one with no karma to resolve. His mission was challenging. He spread the message of love and forgiveness. When Jesus was crucified, he was taken to a place Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” 

When we go to shopping centers, we see many things. We buy what seems good. We dont fight or argue, why these items are here.

Similarly we can take good/positive things from all available religions. The purpose of a religion is to guide someone towards God.

A person could spend their whole life fighting, debating, or harming others in the name of religion and still not find GOD. 

If anyone hurts you and you forgive them, you are leading yourself towards Bhagwan/God.
If anyone is quarrelsome and you give understanding, you are taking yourself to the kingdom of god.
If someone is suffering and you reach out with aid and compassion, you are moving into the presense of God
– Shri Praramhansa Yogananda

If you talk to flowers with love, they respond. Animals respond to love too. When we treat others with kindness, they appreciate it.

But then you say, “Arati, God doesn’t respond.” How can he not respond when he created flowers, animals, you, and me? The problem isn’t with Him, it’s with us. Our intuition is out of order.

Imagine you’re in a jungle. You’re given a map and clear instructions. Then the map is taken away, but you’re reminded that you have a two-way radio and must stay in daily contact with the base.

The two way redio system is , prayer and meditation.

With consistent use of this “radio,” you’ll be guided and receive advice along the way.

Prayer is our way of communicating, where we explain our situation to God and ask for what we need. Meditation, on the other hand, is the act of listening for the response or guidance from God.

Some people enter the jungle of life but forget to communicate.

Others hear guidance but ignore it.

Some keep asking or even shouting for help but don’t wait for a response.

If you are guided by the Divine consciousness, then even when the future seems absolutely black, everything will come out all right.
When God guides you, you can not fail.
– Shri Praramhansa Yogananda
I think, thats all for today.

I’ve got a small Christmas tree at home, let’s decorate it!

Overall, I’m satisfied that I now feel connected to the entire YSS line of Gurus.

This whole week, I felt content, guided, and satisfied.

It’s 2.10 PM in Mumbai, India.

Published this article late today. I’ll make sure to be on time starting next week.

As I sit in my living room, I’ve noticed two sparrows visiting since morning.
When they come, they make a sound like “Chev Chev Cheve Chev.”
They come in the morning every day.
At first, I purposely ignored them for a few days to let them build confidence.
I avoided going to the balcony.
Now it seems they are comfortable, so when they visit, I look at them.
I also say ” Chev chev chev chev” 😂
Dog says “Bhu Bhu”
Kawala/Crow says “Kav kav”
Sparrow says “Chiv Chiv”
Cat says ” Meow meow”
and I say “Happy weekend Sweetheart”
Stay bless, stay happy, always.
Much love,
yogarati yss yogananda 01




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