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a person can build bad karma only with his thoughts as well

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That day, I woke up around 6:30 am. By 7 am, I was at the beach.

The sand was cool and pleasant, so I took off my footwear and began walking towards the south.

There were others like me – some doing morning walk, some were running, and some busy with their dogs.

This South Goa beach was less crowded , clean, has blue water.

Most of the tourists were foreigners.

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I must have walked about 100 meters when a girl asked me if I could take her pictures. She was alone.

“Sure,” I said. This reminded me of my solo trip where I used to ask strangers to take my pictures.

She thanked me, and I continued walking towards south.

“Hey, do you smoke?” I turned my head towards the voice and saw another Indian girl running in the same direction.


“Do you know someone who smokes?” she asked.

“No,” I laughed and replied.

She seemed in desperate need of this.

In 15 minutes of walking, I was able to help one person but couldn’t help another.

Sometimes being unable to help someone in certain matters is good.

Smoking is dangerous to heath.

Smoking, drinking, drugs these addictions can negatively impact people’s lives when they lose control.

Karma = What you sow, you reap.

There are two types of Karmas.

Good karma and bad karma.

Karma is like

a debt we owe (bad karma) OR

blessings we receive (good karma).

A person can build bad karma only with his thoughts as well. Karma is a result of thoughts, words,actions.
All have to pay their bad karma.

A bad karma can come to people as mental, physical or emotional the form of problems with health , family , money etc.

Going through your bad karma bravely is important, but it is also important to accept good karma with grace.

So many people dont know how to accept the good things that come their way.


What are things create bad karma?

Bad karma is not always about murder, stealing and other extreme bad things. Yes on the scale of intensity of bad karma they are extremely high.

However, normal people as well create bad karma for themselves by doing following things:

1.Hurting yourself: People who dont look after their health. Wrong habits like smoking, drinking , drugs, over eating, no exercise, negative e thinking, negative actions destroys soul

2. Hurting others: Harming someone physically or emotionally. Emotional pain is as bad as physical pain.

3. Not dealing well with existing problem

4. People build bad karma by encouraging/helping bad people. Do not help/ be nice to bad  people. Its good to help others. However when we know someone is not a good person, Someone who does bad things, commits crimes, or does something to hurt others.

Then helping such people , we are helping them to continue their wrong actions. We build bad karma. We can help such people only when they decide to improve.

People who have spiritual knowledge and if they make wrong choices they fall more and build more karma than people who have no knowledge.

For example:

People are more likely to forgive a child for making a mistake because children are seen as immature. However, when an adult makes the same mistake, forgiveness is not as readily given. Adults are expected to act responsibly due to their maturity and knowledge.

When someone has spiritual knowledge that person has greater responsibility.

5. Avoiding responsibilities, neglecting duties towards parents, children, and loved ones. Spoiling your children. Neglecting the proper upbringing of your children.

6. Encouraging others to do wrong things and lead them to wrong path

7. Committing suicide

8. Young people starting from school/collage…they want to experience /enjoy life …they use this as an excuse for doing things that are wrong.

these are some of the things which creates bad karma.


In our life we undergo many spiritual test. Tests determined whether we have learned our spiritual lessons or not.

A test can come in many form:

  1. Fear: If your lesson to be learnt is “courage” , you will be tested for your fears
  2. Power: A person can be placed in the position of power to see if he can use it for the greater good.
  3. Money: Sometimes people are given a great amount of money to test if that changes them as a person. OR people are not given much money to see if they can still be content
  4. Gift: Some people are given a gift, talent to see how they use it
  5. Forgiveness: Someone closed to you may cause you pain. A test is, instead of being negative to that person, can you forgive him by doing what is right?

If you wish to learn more about Karma then you can check the book ‘The laws of the spirit world’ by Khorshed Bhavnagri. I have taken some points from this book to explain Karma topic in this article.

Right now I am in Mumbai. Its Sunday 11.30 am

This week I was in Goa for nice 4 days.

Yesterday (Saturday) at around 1 pm , I retuned from Goa.

On this website, every Saturday I publish a new article. We called it as a weekend posts.

Yesterday did not publish it. I needed some time to reflect. This is the only piece of content I am creating these days.

So I put good time to make it helpful.

Shital (our cook) who cooks lunch for us, will not be able to continue from next month onwards.

Again I will be cooking 3 meals for us. Breakfast, lunch , dinner.

Today’s plan is to schedule my next week, apply hair oil, grocery shopping, complete Guruji’s Kriya yoga technique.

Is it too late to wish you a happy weekend? Then let me wish you a wonderful week ahead.

Sharing some pictures below.

Stay bless stay happy always.

Much Love,


yogarati india yoga

Night was full of stars

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Veg Mushroom sushi

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Every evening stayed in the water for 2 hours.

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