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Keep it clean

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They looked at me with big eyes, a question on their face “What’s wrong with her?” …kind of like “Mata aa gayi hai isme”

“Teacher, is there anything special?”


“Do we have a traditional day”?


“Can we also come in traditional cloths from tomorrow?”


Seeing me in a saree, students from the Kid’s yoga batch asked me these questions almost every day this week. In May, my mother (Aai) gifted me 13 sarees. I was wondering what to do with them. So, I decided to wear them during meditation sessions or while making Yogarati videos.

5th September is a special day for two reasons – it’s Teachers’ Day and also my birthday 🥳.

In our school, on this day, we get a chance to become a teacher for just one day and teach students.

Back in 10th grade, I had this opportunity and taught history. I never imagined that one day I would actually take wellness classes and share/teach yoga techniques.

yogarati thoughts affect life yoga 02

with a serious face, i taught history to not so serious students 😂

This week, I had back-to-back sessions along with my other work.

While planning my wellness sessions, I make sure to keep some time for Kid’s yoga. The majority of participants are either kids or senior citizens. In the senior citizens’ class, I am a giver. However, in the kid’s yoga class, I’m both a giver and a receiver. These little ones have so much energy. Depending on their mood, they call me as ‘Arati’ or ‘Teacher,’ and I’m absolutely fine with that.

During this week’s classes, the topic was ‘Cleaning.’

If we have a challenge with somebody, then its not with that person. Its the old memory thats coming up that we are reacting to. And if its in our memory then its upto us to clean it. Inner cleaning leads to outer results.

The clearer we become, the clearer the people around us become. On the path of the spiritual journey, there are three stages:

  1. Stage 1 – You feel like a victim: People feel powerless here. They think world is out there to get them: the neighbours, relatives, friends, the bad guys in whatever form they seem to take. People complain, compare, protest and gather in groups to fight. Except for a few happy moments they stuck at this stage.
  2. Stage 2 – You are in control: Here people become aware of their power.They understand the power of visualisation, power of creating their own reality. They begin to experience magic. Life begins to look beautiful.
  3. Stage 3 – You are awakening – At some point after stage two, people begin to realise, their desire/intentions have limitations. They also understand, with all newly found power in stage 2, they still can not control everything. So in stage 3 here, they realise when they surrender to a great power, miracles tend to happen. They begin to let go and trust. They begin to practice, moment by moment, their connection with the divine energy.

And then Abraham said, “You humans are very particular about what you eat, what you wear, what you drive and yet you are not particular about what you think. Keep an eye on what you think. Keep your thoughts clean.”

When we are clean, the inspiration comes, we just act on it. We dont think about it. If we think about it, then we are comparing the inspiration to something and what we are comparing it to is a memory. Clean the memory.

Its like we are in a grand symphony. Each one of us given an instrument to play. My instrument is different, yours is  different. None are the same. In order for the concert to play and everyone to enjoy it, we need to play our part and not another’s. We get into trouble when we dont play our instrument or we think someone has a better one. Thats a memory.

Clean the memory.

In Yoga as well, using shatkarmas techniques where we start ‘cleaning’ at physical  level first .

Its 11.59 am in Mumbai, India. Today I published this weekend post little late. Sorry.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend 🤗.

Can I ask you somthing? 

If I say this weekend…. have fun, jump, watch stars, fill your heart with fresh air, give love, hug a tree…will you do it?

If I say this weekend….dance , smile show your teeth ( does not matter in what shape they are)…will you do it?

If I say this weekend….look in the mirror and say loudly “I love myself” and give yourself a tight hug..will you do it?

will you 😊?

Stay happy. Stay blessed. ALWAYS

Much Love,



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